Account Circuit


Aztec accounts are different from Ethereum addresses, mainly because deriving an Ethereum address is expensive (constraint-wise) within a circuit. Also, Aztec accounts have several extra features:

  • A human-readable name (an alias) can be associated with an account public key.
  • Multiple (unlimited) spending keys (a.k.a. signing keys) can be associated with an alias and its account_public_key, to enable users to more-easily spend from multiple devices (for example).
  • Spending keys can also be used for account recovery (e.g. with the aid of a 3rd party).
  • If the account private key is compromised, a user can migrate to a new account_public_key. (They would also need to transfer all of their existing value notes to be owned by this new account_public_key).
  • If a spending private key is compromised, a user can also migrate to a new account_public_key, and a brand new set of spending keys can be associated with this new account_public_key. (They would also need to transfer all of their existing value notes to be owned by this new account_public_key).


  • Spending/signing keys are used to spend value notes.
  • Account keys are used to decrypt encrypted value note data.
    • Also, initially (before any alias or signing keys are linked to the account), the 0th account key serves as a spending key for a user's value notes. Thereafter only spending keys can be used to spend notes.

See the diagram (below) for derivations of the various keys.


Key NameDerivation
eth_private_keyRandom 256 bits
eth_public_keyeth_private_key * secp256k1.generator
eth_addressThe right-most 160-bits of keccak256(eth_public_key)
account_private_keyThe first 32-bytes of the signature:
eth_sign("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n" + len(message) + message, eth_address)*

where message = "Sign this message to generate your Aztec Privacy Key. This key lets the application decrypt your balance on Aztec.\n\nIMPORTANT: Only sign this message if you trust the application."

*using a client which has access to your eth_address's private key, for signing.
account_public_keyaccount_private_key * grumpkin.generator
a.k.a. signing_private_key
Random 256 bits
a.k.a. signing_public_key
spending_private_key * grumpkin.generator

Account Glossary

accountAn account is generally used to mean an (alias_hash, account_public_key) pair.
aliasE.g. aliceSome unique human-readable string.
alias_hashThe first 28-bytes of blake2s_to_field(alias).
QUESTION: how does the output of blake2s get mapped to a field element?
A constant-sized representation of an alias, for use in circuits.
Links together a user's alias_hash, their account_public_key and one of their spending_public_keys.

A user can register multiple account notes as a way of registering multiple spending_public_keys against their account. They might, for example, want to be able to spend from different devices without needing to share keys between them.

A user can also create a new account note as a way of registering a new account_public_key against their alias_hash. Ideally, a user would use just one account_public_key at a time (and transfer all value notes to be owned by that account_public_key), but this is not enforced by the protocol.
Each account note commitment is stored in the data tree, so that our circuits can check whether spending and account keys have been correctly registered and actually belong to the user executing the transaction.
This nullifier is added to the nullifier tree (by the rollup circuit) when executing the account circuit in create mode. It prevents an alias from ever being registered again by another user.
This nullifier is added to the nullifier tree (by the rollup circuit) when executing the account circuit in create or migrate modes. It prevents an account_public_key from ever being registered again by another user.

Modes: create, update, migrate

The account circuit can be executed in one of three 'modes':

  • Create
    • Used to register a new alias.
    • A new 'account' is registered by generating nullifiers for a new alias_hash and a new account_public_key. This ensures the alias_hash and account_public_key haven't already been registered by someone else.
    • Two new account_notes may be created, as a way of registering the first two new spending_public_keys against the new account.
    • The circuit enforces that the caller knows the private key of account_public_key, by checking that a signature over the circuit's inputs has been signed by the account_private_key. We need to do this, in part, because the owner of this account_public_key might already have been sent value notes, even before registering it with Aztec Connect.
    • Note: there are no protocol checks to ensure these new spending_public_keys (which are added to account_notes) are new or unique.

    • Note: There are no protocol checks during create, to ensure the user knows private keys to these spending_public_keys.

  • Update
    • Used to add additional spending keys to an account.
    • Every account tx in update mode adds up-to two new spending keys to an account.
    • Two new account_notes are created, as a way of registering the two new spending_public_keys against the account.
    • No nullifiers are produced.
    • The circuit enforces that the caller knows the private key of an existing signing_public_key for this account, by:
      • checking that a signature over the circuit's inputs has been signed by a signing_private_key; and
      • checking that this signing_public_key is contained in an account_note's commitment and that this commitment exists in the data tree.
    • Note: There are no protocol checks during update, to ensure the user knows private key to the account_public_key.

  • Migrate
    • Used to update a user's account_public_key without changing their alias.
    • The new 'account' is registered by generating a nullifier for the new account_public_key.
    • Two new account_notes may be created, as a way of registering the first two new spending_public_keys against this new account.
    • The circuit enforces that the caller knows the private key of an existing signing_public_key for this account, by:
      • checking that a signature over the circuit's inputs has been signed by a signing_private_key; and
      • checking that this signing_public_key is contained in an account_note's commitment and that this commitment exists in the data tree.
    • Note: There are no protocol checks during migrate, to ensure the user knows private key to the account_public_key.

When to migrate?

If a user, Alice, suspects their account_private_key or pending_private_key have been compromised, then they should run the account circuit in migrate mode. As already stated, this will associate a new account_public_key to their alias and allow them to register new spending_public_keys against this new account_public_key. Two new account notes get created by the account circuit in migrate mode.

HOWEVER, the previous, 'old' account notes (containing the 'old' compromised key(s)), DO NOT get nullified. They are forever 'valid' notes in the data tree. Therefore, if Alice still owns value notes which are owned by one of her old account_public_keys, an attacker (who somehow knows the private key and a corresponding old spending_private_key) would still be able to spend such value notes. Therefore, after migrating their account, a user MUST ALSO transfer all of their existing notes to be owned by their new account_public_key.

Example of account circuit modes

Each row of the table shows the data created by one execution of the account circuit. Rows are chronologically ordered.

Modealiasalias_hashaccount public keynew spending keyssignernew alias_hash_
nullifier emitted
new account_
nullifier emitted
new account note commitments
createaliceh(alice)apk_1spk_1a, spk_1bapk_1h(h(alice))h(apk_1.x, apk_1.y)h(h(alice), apk_1, spk_1a)

h(h(alice), apk_1, spk_1b)
updatealiceh(alice)apk_1spk_1c, spk_1dspk_1b (e.g.)--h(h(alice), apk_1, spk_1c)

h(h(alice), apk_1, spk_1d)
updatealiceh(alice)apk_1spk_1e, spk_1fspk_1a (e.g.)--h(h(alice), apk_1, spk_1e)

h(h(alice), apk_1, spk_1f)
migratealiceh(alice)apk_2spk_2a, spk_2bspk_1d (e.g.)-h(apk_2.x, apk_2.y)h(h(alice), apk_2, spk_2a)

h(h(alice), apk_2, spk_2b)
updatealiceh(alice)apk_2spk_2c, spk_2dspk_2b (e.g.)--h(h(alice), apk_2, spk_2c)

h(h(alice), apk_2, spk_2d)

Note: h is lazy notation, being used interchangeably in this table for different hashes. Consult the earlier tables or the below pseudocode for clarity on which hashes specifically are used. Note: after an account migrate, all previous value notes should be transferred (via the join-split circuit) to be owned by the new account public key.

More on Nullifiers

Unlike the join-split circuit (for example), which always produces nullifiers, the account circuit only conditionally produces nullifiers (see the different modes above). It's possible for nullifier_1 or nullifier_2 to be 0:

  • nullifier_1 = create ? pedersen::compress(account_alias_hash) : 0;

  • nullifier_2 = (create || migrate) ? pedersen::compress(account_public_key) : 0

Note: The rollup circuit for Aztec Connect permits unlimited 0 nullifiers to be added to the nullifier tree, because:

  • Each nullifier is added to the nullifier tree at the leafIndex which is equal to the nullifier value.
  • So the rollup circuit will try to add nullifier = 0 to leafIndex = 0.
  • First it checks whether the leaf is empty. Well 0 implies "empty", so this check will pass, and the value 0 will be once-again added to the 0th leaf.


Here's a detailed diagram of how all of Aztec's different keypairs are derived, and the flow of account creation and migration. (Edits are welcome - let Mike know if the link doesn't work).

The circuit

Account Circuit: Worked Example

There's a little diagram at the diagrams link too.

  1. Alice generates a grumpkin key pair (account_private_key, account_public_key).
  2. Alice can receive funds prior to registering an alias at (account_public_key)
    • I.e. a sender can send Alice funds by creating a value note with preimage values:
      • owner = account_public_key
      • requires_account = false
  3. Alice can register the alias alice against her account_public_key using the account circuit.
    • The alias_hash = hash('alice') gets nullified, effectively 'reserving' the alias alice to prevent anyone else using it.
    • The account_public_key gets nullified, to prevent anyone else using it.
    • Alice's new_account_public_key, her alias_hash, and two new spending keys, are all linked together via two new account notes which get added to the data tree.
  4. Alice must then transfer any previously-received funds that were sent to (account_public_key) (i.e. value notes where requires_account = false), to value notes whose primage values contain (account_public_key, requires_account = true).
  5. Alice can register unlimited additional spending keys to (alice, account_public_key), via additional calls to the account circuit (in upgrade mode).
  6. If a spending_public_key becomes compromised, Alice must do the following:
  • generate a new account note with a new_account_public_key and her existing alice alias (using the migrate flow). The new account note's spending keys SHOULD be different to the compromised key (although there are no protocol checks to enforce this).
  • Use the account update flow to assign additional non-comprimised spending keys to her new account note`.
  • Alice transfers funds assigned to (account_public_key, alice) and sends them to (new_account_public_key, alice)
  1. Similarly, if Alice's account_private_key becomes compromised, she can use the account circuit to migrate to a new account_public_key.

Circuit Inputs: Summary

The inputs for the account circuit are:


As previously, the field is from the BN254 specification.

Public Inputs: Detail

Recall that all inner circuits must have the same number of public inputs as they will be used homogenously by the rollup circuit. Hence, most of the account circuit's public inputs are 0, because they're not actually needed for the account circuit's functionality.

  1. proof_id = PublicInputs::ACCOUNT (i.e. this is effectively a witness which can only take one valid value).
  2. output_note_commitment_1
  3. output_note_commitment_2
  4. nullifier_1
  5. nullifier_2
  6. public_value = 0
  7. public_owner = 0
  8. asset_id = 0
  9. data_tree_root
  10. tx_fee = 0
  11. tx_fee_asset_id = 0
  12. bridge_call_data = 0
  13. defi_deposit_value = 0
  14. defi_root = 0
  15. backward_link = 0
  16. allow_chain = 0

Private Inputs: Detail

  1. account_public_key
  2. new_account_public_key
  3. signing_public_key
  4. signature
  5. new_signing_public_key_1
  6. new_signing_public_key_1
  7. alias_hash = blake2s(alias).slice(0, 28)
  8. account_nonce
  9. create (bool)
  10. migrate (bool)
  11. account_note_index
  12. account_note_path

Circuit Logic (Pseudocode)

Computed vars:

  • signer = signing_public_key
  • message = pedersen::compress(alias_hash, account_public_key.x, new_account_public_key.x, spending_public_key_1.x, spending_public_key_2.x, nullifier_1, nullifier_2)
  • account_note_commitment = pedersen::compress(alias_hash, account_public_key.x, signer.x)

Computed public inputs:

  • output_note_commitment_1 = pedersen::compress(alias_hash, new_account_public_key.x, spending_public_key_1.x)
  • output_note_commitment_2 = pedersen::compress(alias_hash, new_account_public_key.x, spending_public_key_2.x)
  • nullifier_1 = create ? pedersen::compress(alias_hash) : 0;
  • nullifier_2 = create || migrate ? pedersen::compress(new_account_public_key)

Circuit constraints:

  • create == 1 || create == 0
  • migrate == 1 || migrate == 0
  • require(create && migrate == 0)
  • require(new_account_public_key != spending_public_key_1)
  • require(new_account_public_key != spending_public_key_2)
  • if (migrate == 0) { require(account_public_key == new_account_public_key) }
  • verify_signature(message, signer, signature) == true
  • if (create == false) { require(membership_check(account_note_data, account_note_index, account_note_path, data_tree_root) == true) }
  • Assert all 'zeroed' public inputs are indeed zero.